Learning English Vocabulary

English Vocabulary Index

Learning English Vocabulary on 29th April :

  1. Gait (n) : manner of walking

  2. Galaday (n) : a day for rejoicing and merry making, a festival day

  3. Galaxy (n) : a splendid gathering of persons, Milky way

  4. Gale (n) : strong wind

  5. Gall(n) : bile, bitterness

  6. Gall (v) : rub, irritate

  7. Gallant (adj.) : showy, fine brave, noble, paying, attention to ladies

  8. Gallantly (adv) : in a stately manner, nobly, bravely, chivalrously

  9. Gallantry (n) : show, bravery, devotion to ladies, sexual immorality

  10. Galleon (n) : a large warship

  11. Gallery (n) : a long passage, raised floor of seats in a theatre

  12. Galley (n) : a low flat single decked ship, a long rectangular tray used by compositors

  13. Gallnut (n) : a plant product of a tree

  14. Gallon (n) : a measure of capacity for liquids

  15. Gallop (v) : to run in leaps, ride a galloping horse

  16. Gallows (n) : a wooden frame for hanging criminals

  17. Galvanize (v) : pass electric current, coat metals by means of electricity

  18. Gamble (v) : play games of chance for money

  19. Gamble (n) : a chance happening

  20. Gambol (v) : leap about

  21. Gambol (n) : frolic

  22. Game (n) : play, sport, animal hunted

  23. Gamesome (adj.) : sportive, playful

  24. Gamester (n) : a gambler

  25. Gammer (n) : an old woman

  26. Gander (n) : male goose, a stupid man, fool

  27. Gang (n) : a company of people having a common, aim

  28. Gangster (n) : an armed evil-doer

  29. Gangway (n) : a movable passage way

  30. Gaol (n) : prison, jail

  31. Gaol (v) : imprison

  32. Gap (n) : discontinuity, an opening

  33. Gape (v) : yawn, open the mouth wide

  34. Gape (n) : act of gaping

  35. Garage (n) : a motor shed

  36. Garage (v) : put a vehicle in a garage

  37. Garb (n) : dress; (v) : clothe

  38. Garbage (n) : filth, waste matter, rubbish, refuse

  39. Garble (v) : misinterpret, mix up so as to mislead, falsity

  40. Garden (n) : a piece of ground for growing flowers, fruits or vegetables

  41. Gardener (n) : one in charge of a garden

  42. Gardening (n) : the technique of maintaining a garden

  43. Gargantuan (adj.) : gigantic, immense, enormous, huge

Learning English Vocabulary on 29th April :

English Vocabulary Index

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