Learn English Vocabulary
English Vocabulary Index
Learn English Vocabulary on 27th April :
- Furlong (n) : a measure of length 220 yards
Furlough (n) : leave of absence
Furlough (v) : grant leave
Furnace (n) : a closed strong fire place, an oven
Furnish (v) : equip with, supply with, fill with furniture
Furnisher (n) : a dealer in furniture
Furniture (n) : moveable with which a house is furnished for use ornament
Furore (n) : an exhibition of enthusiasm, intense commotion
Furrow (n) : a narrow trench or groove made in the earth by a plough
Furrow (v) : plough
Further (adj.) : more distant, additional
Further (adv.) : moreover
Furtherance (n) : advancement, promotion
Furthermore (adv) : moreover
Furthest (adj.) : most distant
Furtive (adj.) : secret, stealthy
Furtive (n) : furtiveness
Fury (n) : great anger, madness
Fuse (v) : melt (by heat), combine into one
Fuse (n) : a short piece of wire made of tin and lead placed in an electric circuit
Fusion (n) : the act of melting, mixing by melting together
Fuss (n) : a bustle, commotion
Fuss (v) : make much of things of no importance
Fuss (adj.) : fussy
Futile (adj.) : useless
Futile (adv) : futilely
Futility (n) : uselessness
Future (n) : of time to come
Futurity (n) : future time
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