Synonyms & Antonyms : Lawful


( Adjective )

Only lawful approach will help us to resolve these problems.






Contextual Examples:

Madhumita is the rightful heir to this property as the only survivor of the family.

Property is not more a fundamental right of the individual in society, it is only a legal which means one can acquire it by payment of cost of such property and not otherwise.

The principal’s decision on the dispute between the two students was fair and reasonable.

The demand of the labor for participation in the management of a firm is considered legitimate in modern philosophy.







Contextual Examples:

Use of violence to solve mutual disputes among individuals is illegal. There are courts to settle such disputes.

It is unlawful to use violence against other individuals in society except for self- defence.

There are numerous underground firms in the country producing illicit drugs. It is our duty to report about such firms to the police.

The Synonyms and Antonyms form an integral part of the English Language. Acquaintance with the vocabulary of the English language is a necessity for effective expression either in written or in an oral from. Synonyms are nothing but the similar meanings of a particular word or its semantic relation. A Synonym is a word or a phrase that means the same as another word or a phrase in the same language. Antonyms are the negative connotation of a particular word. An Antonym is a word or phrase that is opposite in meaning to a particular word or a phrase in the same language.

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