Business Dictionary :

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Law : noun : laws = rules by which a country is governed and the activities of people and organizations are controlled

Labor Laws = laws concerning the employment of workers

Law = all the laws of a country taken together

Civil Law = laws relating to arguments between individuals and the rights of individuals

Commercial Law = laws regarding busi¬ness

Company Law = laws which refer to the way companies work

Contract Law = laws related to private agreements

The Law of Contract = laws related to private agreements

Copy Right Law = laws concerning the protection of copyright

Criminal Law = laws related to Crime

International Law = laws referring to the way countries deal with each other

Maritime Law = laws referring to ships and ports

The Law of the Sea = laws referring to ships and ports

Law Courts = place where a judge listens to cases and decides who is right legally

  • To take someone to law = to tell someone to appear in court to settle an argument

  • Inside the law = obeying the laws of a country

  • Within the law = obeying the laws of a country

  • Against the law = not according to the laws of a country

  • Outside the law = not according to the laws of a country

  • The company is operating outside the law.

  • To break the law = to do something which is not allowed by law.

  • He is breaking the law by selling goods on Sunday.

  • You will be breaking the law if you try to take that computer out of the country without an export license.

  • Law : noun : general rule
  • Law of supply and demand = general rule that the amount of a product which is available is related to the needs of the possible customers

  • Law of Diminishing Returns = general rule that as more factors of production (land, labor and capital) are added to the existing factors, so the amount they produce is proportionately smaller

    Note : no plural

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