Aesop’s Fables : Last Boast

Last Boast

Let us enjoy reading this one of Aesop’s Fables of Last Boast .

A fir tree said boastingly to the bramble bush growing in its shade:

“You are useless. Nobody wants you. I am everywhere used for roofs and houses. Men can’t do without me."

“You’re so right," said the bramble. “Here’s a man coming to you with an axe, right now. Farewell."

Moral: Pride comes before a fall.

The short story is a literary genre. It is usually fictional, narrative prose and tends to be more concise and to the point than longer works of fiction. These stories have their origins in oral story-telling traditions and the prose anecdote, a swiftly-sketched situation that comes rapidly to its point. The history of this kind of stories dates back to the oral story-telling traditions. Modern trend in them emerged as their own genre in the early 19th century. They tend to be less complex than novels. Usually, a short story will focus on only one incident, has a single plot, a single setting, a limited number of characters and covers a short period of time.

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