Business Dictionary : Land
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Land : noun : area of earth
Land Agent = person who runs a farm or a large area of land for someone
Land Register(GB) = register of land showing who owns it and what buildings are on it
Land Registration = system of registering land and its owners
Land Registry = government office where land is registered
Land Taxes = taxes on the amount of land someone owns
Land : verb : to put goods or passengers on to land after a voyage by sea or by air
To land goods at a port
To land passengers at an airport
Landed Costs = costs of goods which have been delivered to a port, unloaded and passed through customs
Land : verb : to come down to earth after a flight
The plane landed ten minutes late.
Landing : noun : landing card = card given to passengers who have passed customs and can land from a ship in an aircraft
Landing Charges = payment for putting goods on land and the customs duties
Landing Order = permit which allows goods to be unloaded into a bonded warehouse without paying customs duty
Landlady : noun : woman who owns a property which she lets
Landlord : noun : person or company which owns a property which is let
Ground Landlord = person or company which owns the freehold of a property which is then let and sublet
Our ground landlord is an insurance company.
Landowner : noun : person who owns large areas of land
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