A Word A Day : Jeopardize

Monday, 13th August 2007 : Today's Word is...


( Verb )

Pronunciation : (jep'or-diz')

1. To expose to loss or injury

2. To subject to danger or destruction

3. Pose a threat to or present a danger to

4. Put at risk


1. Endanger

2. Imperil

3. Menace

4. Peril

5. Risk

6. Threaten

7. Danger

8. Stake

9. Adventure

10. Hazard

11. Venture


1. Give safety

2. Keep safe

3. Soothen

4. Solve

5. Improve

6. Brighten

Contextual Example:

• It is not advisable to jeopardize your health for this petty gain of money.

• Nancy jeopardized her life but saved a drowning child.

• A sudden realization came upon him that life was real and life was earnest and that if he did not wish to jeopardize a good situation, he must bestir himself.

Related Words:

Jeopardous : Adjective

Jeopardy : Noun

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