Janine Miller : A Tutor from United States

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Tutor's First Name : Janine

Last Name : Miller

E-mail Address : [email protected]

Street Address : 146 Whetherbine Way W

City : Tallahassee

State/Prov : Florida

Zip/Postal Code : 32301

Country : United States

Home Phone : 850-980-1332

Business Phone : 7074976882

Fax :

Skype ID :

Fees per Hour USD $ :

Other Message, if any. :


State of Florida Professional Educator’s Certificate
Elementary Education (Grades (1-6)
Middle Grades Integrated Curriculum (Grades 5 – 9)
Earth/Space Science (Grades 6 -12)
Exceptional Student Education (Grades K – 12)
Florida Reading Endorsement – (Competencies 1 – 5)


Educational Technology Curriculum Certificate (Obtained: October, 1997)

Marion College, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
College of Technology

Master of Education, (Graduated: July, 1995)
Viterbo University, LaCrosse, Wisconsin
College of Education

Bachelor of Science (Graduated: August, 1988)
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Major: Elementary Education
Emphasis: Geological Sciences


Site Administrator-Lead Educator, DISC-WALC (DISC-Woodville Alternative Learning Center, Tallahassee, Florida December, 2007 – September, 2010
Supervise teaching (1) and ancillary (8 - 10) staff in the school; responsible for the duties associated with the role of the School Principal, Assistant Principal, Test Coordinator, Guidance Counselor, Registrar, Exceptional Student Education Coordinator, and the Reading Coach; serve as liaison for the Department of Children and Families, Leon County Schools, and the foster care facility on the campus; provide meaningful learning and assessment activities that meet individual learning needs and styles of at-risk youth in an alternative learning setting; English, Language Arts, Math, Earth/Space and Integrated Sciences, and Intensive Reading make up my teaching schedule. Provide content and technical support for Florida Virtual School students.

Classroom Teacher/ESE Coordinator, DISC-WALC (DISC-Woodville Alternative Learning Center), Tallahassee, Florida July, 2004 – December, 2007
Provided meaningful learning and assessment activities that meet individual learning needs and styles of at-risk youth in an alternative learning setting; English, Language Arts, Math, Earth/Space and Integrated Sciences, and Intensive Reading are included in my teaching schedule; administered diagnostics to determine performance level of special needs learners; constructed Individual Education Plans to set learning goals and monitored progress for special needs learners.

St. Martin of Tours Parish School, Franklin, Wisconsin (August, 2000 – June, 2001)
Classroom Teacher : Designed and delivered instructional activities and assessment tools to meet myriad learning and performance styles for seventh and fourth grade students; wrote K – 8 Science curriculum based on Wisconsin State Standards.

Slinger Elementary School, Slinger School District Slinger, Wisconsin (August, 1990 – June, 2000)
Classroom Teacher: Designed and delivered instructional activities and assessment tools to meet myriad learning and performance styles for fourth-grade students; served as Grade Coordinator - liaison between the Administrative Council, the fourth-grade team, and ancillary staff; collaborated in writing the district K-5 Science curriculum with the District Science Committee; evaluated alignment of benchmarks, outcomes, instructional delivery and assessment based on the Wisconsin Model; as a member of the Gifted/Talented council, selected and designed resources for latitudinal curriculum enrichment activities in fourth-grade classrooms; collaborated on the previewing and selection of content, age and curriculum appropriate lyceums for the elementary building; coached and judged local Odyssey of the Mind events and competitions; judged regional Odyssey of the Mind competitions at Marquette University.

Central City Catholic School System
Milwaukee, Wisconsin (August, 1989 – June, 1990)
Classroom Teacher: Provided learning activities and assessment opportunities to drive Language Arts skills and strategies for sixth-grade learners; designed and delivered learning activities for fifth through seventh-grade Science and Math students; provided daily Trigonometry instruction to a small enrichment group.

Milwaukee Area Technical College (M.A.T.C.)
Milwaukee, Wisconsin (September, 1988 – December 1988)
Teacher: Taught Astronomy and Earth Science curriculum to college freshman students, meeting National College Board standards.

Transcripts and Letters of Recommendation are available upon request.

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