English Irregular Verbs

There are many Irregular Verbs in English which do not conform to the pattern. The principal parts of the English verb are the base form, the simple past, and the past participle. For regular verbs, the simple past and the past participle are spelled the same and are created by adding ed to the base form. However, there are many irregular verbs in English which do not conform to this pattern.

The additional forms of the verb in English are the s form (3rd person singular present), and the present participle, which is created by adding ing to the base form. There are no irregular forms of the present participle, so the spelling of any verb will adhere to the rules of spelling for regular inflection.

A comprehensive list of English irregular verbs, including their base form, past simple, past participle and definitions is here below.


  1. Unbear
  2. Unbend
  3. Unbind
  4. Unbuild
  5. Unclothe
  6. Underbid
  7. Underbuy
  8. Undercut
  9. Underdo
  10. Underfeed
  11. Undergird
  12. Undergo
  13. Underlay
  14. Underlet
  15. Underlie
  16. Underpay
  17. Underrun
  18. Undersell
  19. Undershoot
  20. Underspend
  21. Understand
  22. Undertake
  23. Underthrust
  24. Underwrite
  25. Undo
  26. Undraw - 1
  27. Undraw - 2
  28. Unfreeze
  29. Unhang
  30. Unhide
  31. Unhold
  32. Unknit
  33. Unlade
  34. Unlay
  35. Unlearn
  36. Unmake
  37. Unreeve
  38. Unsay
  39. Unsell
  40. Unsew
  41. Unsling
  42. Unspeak
  43. Unspin
  44. Unstick
  45. Unstring
  46. Unswear
  47. Unteach
  48. Unthink
  49. Untread
  50. Unweave
  51. Unwind
  52. Unwrite
  53. Upbuild
  54. Uphold
  55. Uppercut
  56. Uprise
  57. Upset
  58. Upspring
  59. Upsweep
  60. Uptear

English Irregular Verbs Index

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