Internet Vocabulary

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We have collected almost all the words related to Internet Vocabulary and listed them here for your reference. Although the list is exhausting, we have added all that we have and keep on out steps to collect more and more words. We humbly request YOU all to share the collection of words that you may have in your library with us so that we will add those list of words in this page and that will ultimately benefit our visitors like YOU. Here is the Complete List of Vocabulary related to Internet.

  1. Antivirus

  2. Application Server

  3. ASP -- (Application Service Provider)

  4. Bandwidth

  5. Binary

  6. Blog

  7. Broadband

  8. Byte

  9. CDMA -- (Code Division Multiple Access)

  10. Cookie

  11. Cyberspace

  12. DHTML -- (Dynamic Hyper Text Markup Language)

  13. Domain Name

  14. Download

  15. Email -- (Electronic Mail)

  16. Ethernet

  17. Extranet

  18. FAQ -- (Frequently Asked Questions)

  19. Fire Wall

  20. FTP -- (File Transfer Protocol)

  21. Gateway

  22. GIF -- (Graphic Interchange Format)

  23. Gigabyte

  24. Home Page (or Homepage)

  25. Host

  26. HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)

  27. HTTP -- (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)

  28. Hypertext

  29. IMAP -- (Internet Message Access Protocol)

  30. Internet

  31. Intranet

  32. IP Number -- (Internet Protocol Number)

  33. ISP -- (Internet Service Provider)

  34. IT -- (Information Technology)

  35. Java

  36. JavaScript

  37. Kilobyte

  38. LAN -- (Local Area Network)

  39. Linux

  40. Login

  41. Mail list

  42. Megabyte

  43. Modem -- (MOdulator, DEModulator)

  44. Netiquette

  45. Netizen

  46. Netscape

  47. Network

  48. Open Content

  49. Open Source Software

  50. Password

  51. PDF -- (Portable Document Format)

  52. Permalink permanent link

  53. Ping

  54. Podcasting or pod-casting

  55. Portal

  56. Posting

  57. PPP -- (Point to Point Protocol)

  58. Protocol

  59. Proxy Server

  60. Router

  61. RSS -- (Rich Site Summary or RDF Site Summary or Real Simple Syndication)

  62. Search Engine

  63. Security Certificate

  64. SEO -- (Search Engine Optimization)

  65. Server

  66. SMTP -- (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)

  67. Spam (or Spamming)

  68. Spyware

  69. Tag

  70. Terabyte

  71. Terminal Server

  72. Unix

  73. Upload

  74. URL -- (Uniform Resource Locator)

  75. Virus

  76. VOIP -- (Voice Over IP)

  77. WAN -- (Wide Area Network)

  78. Web

  79. Web page

  80. Website

  81. Wi-Fi -- (Wireless Fidelity)

  82. WWW -- (World Wide Web)

  83. XHTML -- (eXtensible Hyper Text Markup Language)

  84. XML -- (eXtensible Markup Language)

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