Increase Vocabulary

English Vocabulary Index

Increase Vocabulary on 25th April :

  1. Fraud (n) : cheating, trick

  2. Fraudulent (adj.) : deceitful

  3. Fraudulent (adv.) : fraudulently

  4. Fraught (adj.) : involving, filled

  5. Fray (n) : a fight

  6. Fray (v) : rub

  7. Freak (n) : whim, caprice, abnormal state

  8. Free (adj.) : familiar

  9. Free (v) : set at liberty

  10. Freebooter (n) : a robber

  11. Freedom (n) : independence

  12. Free-spoken (adj.) : candid, frank

  13. Freeze (v) : become icy or solid, make inoperative or valueless

  14. Freight (n) : hire charges

  15. Frenzy (n) : violent excitement of the mind, madness

  16. Frequent (adj.) : coming often

  17. Frequent (v) : visit, (a place) , often

  18. Fresh (adj.) : new, not forgotten

  19. Freshet (n) : a small river of fresh water, flood

  20. Friar (n) : monk, mendicant

  21. Friction (n) : resistance between bodies moving one over another, rubber

  22. Friday (n) : the day of the week prior to Saturday

  23. Friend (n) : one who is on good terms with and loves another, a companion

  24. Friendly (adj.) : as between friends, kind

  25. Friendly (adv.) : as between friends, kind

  26. Friendship (n) : relationship between friends

  27. Fright (n) : sudden fear

  28. Frighten (v) : cause fear to, terrify

  29. Frightful (adj.) : fearful, terrible

  30. Frightful (adv.) : frightfully

  31. Frigid (adj.) : very cold

  32. Frill (n) : an ornamental border attached to a fabric

  33. Fringe (n) : ornamental border to garments, edge

  34. Frisk (v) : skip or dance in frolic

  35. Frisk (n) : a frolic

  36. Fritter (v) : waste away(money & energy) , cut into small pieces

  37. Frivolous (adj.) : of no importance, silly

  38. Frivolous (n) : frivolity, frivolousness

  39. Frivolous (adv.) : frivolously

  40. Fro (adv) : away, backward, from, to and from

  41. Frock (n) : a gown worn by women and children

  42. Frog (n) : a small amphibious animal

  43. Frolic (n) : sport, merry-making

  44. Frolic (adj.) : gay, merry

  45. Frolic (v) : play pranks

  46. Frolicsome (adj.) : full of frolic

  47. From (prep.) : starting at, out of

  48. Front (n) : the face, forepart

  49. Front (adj.) : situated in the foreground, directed forward

  50. Front (v) : face, oppose

  51. Frontage (n) : space lying in front

  52. Frontal (adj.) : directed against the front

  53. Frontier (n) : border of a country

Increase Vocabulary on 25th April :

English Vocabulary Index

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