Improving English Vocabulary

English Vocabulary Index

Improving English Vocabulary on 23rd April :

  1. Forenoon (n) : A.M, morning, part of the day before noon

  2. Forensic (adj.) : legal

  3. Forerunner (n) : one sent before, one who foreshadows

  4. Foresee (v) : predict

  5. Foreshadow (v) : be a warning of

  6. Foreshore (n) : the beach

  7. Foresight (n) : forethought, prescience

  8. Forest (n) : wood, chase

  9. Forestall (v) : anticipate, act in advance of

  10. Foretaste (n) : experience in advance

  11. Foretell (v) : predict, foreshow

  12. Forethought (n) : prudence, foresight

  13. Forever (adj.) : at all times, for all time to come

  14. Forewarn (v) : warn in advance, caution

  15. Foreword (n) : an introductory comment of a book

  16. Forfeit (v) : lose by an offence, deprive of

  17. Forge (n) : smith’s workshop

  18. Forge (v) : invent, hammer into shape

  19. Forgery (n) : making a counterfeit signature

  20. Forget (v) : to lose the remembrance of, neglect

  21. Forgetful (adj.) : unmindful, inattentive

  22. Forgetful (adv.) : forgetfully

  23. Forgive (adj.) : pardon

  24. Forgive (n) : forgiveness

  25. Forgo (v) : do without, relinquish

  26. Forgotten (v) : p.p.of FORGET

  27. Fork (v) : bifurcate, pirch, divide

  28. Forlorn (adj.) : forsaken, wretched

  29. Form (n) : shape, a class of pupils in a school

  30. Form (v) : make , give shape to

  31. Formal (adj.) : conventional, according to rules and ceremonies

  32. Formality (n) : formal practice, custom

  33. Formation (n) : a settled order , form, structure

  34. Former (adj.) : before(in time or order), preceding

  35. Formerly (adv) : in times past

  36. Formidable (adj.) : terrible, difficult

  37. Formula (n) : a principle

  38. Formulate (v) : set out in clear terms

  39. Forsake (v) : leave

  40. Forsaken (adj.) : given up, deserted

  41. Forsooth (adv) : in reality

  42. Forswear (v) : give up on oath, renounce, falsely

  43. Fort (n) : a place built and armed for defence

  44. Forth (adv) : out from

  45. Forthcoming (adj.) : approaching

Improving English Vocabulary on 23rd April :

English Vocabulary Index

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