Improve Vocabulary in English

English Vocabulary Index

Improve Vocabulary in English on 20th April :

  1. Flap (n) : anything hanging broad and loose

  2. Flash (n) : a burst of light in sky, gleam

  3. Flash (v) : give light, come suddenly

  4. Flask (n) : bottle, jar

  5. Flat (adj.) : level, positive, insipid

  6. Flatten (v) : make flat

  7. Flatter (v) : praise too much where it is not worth

  8. Flatterer (n) : one who praises too much where it is not worth

  9. Flattery (n) : an undue praise

  10. Flatulent (adj.) : containing wind, empty, vain

  11. Flaunt (v) : display, flutter

  12. Flavour (n) : smell and taste

  13. Flavour(v) : give flavour

  14. Flaw (n) : fault, a defect, a blemish

  15. Flawless (adj.) : without defect

  16. Flax (n) : fibrous plant

  17. Flay (v) : strip, skin, peel

  18. Flea (n) : a blood sucking insect

  19. Flee (v) : run away, escape

  20. Fleece (n) : sheep’s wool

  21. Fleet (n) : navy, a squadron

  22. Fleet footed (adj.) : quick in movement

  23. Flesh (n) : muscle, meat

  24. Fleshy (adj.) : fat

  25. Flex (n) : pliable electric wire

  26. Flexibility (n) : pliability

  27. Flexible (adj.) : capable of being

  28. Flicker (n) : twinkle

  29. Flicker (v) : burn unsteadily

  30. Flight (n) : flying, flock, stair

  31. Flimsy (adj.) : thin, weak, easily, weak

  32. Flinchingly (adv) : in fear

  33. Fling (v) : scatter, throw

  34. Flint (n) : a hard stone used to get sparks

  35. Flinty (adj.) : hard, cruel, unfeeling

  36. Flippant (adj.) : talkative, not showing due respect

  37. Flippant (n) : flippancy

  38. Flirt (v) : squirt, coquette make love in a light vein

  39. Flirt (n) : flirtation

  40. Flit (v) : flutter, fly or move quickly

  41. Float (n) : that which swims, raft

  42. Float (v) : swim, lie on the surface

  43. Flock (n) : company of living beings

  44. Floe (n) : a mass of floating ice

  45. Flog (v) : beat with a whip or rod

  46. Flood (n) : great quantity of water, river or sea

  47. Flood (v) : fill with water

  48. Floor (n) : pavement, a storey, platform

  49. Floor (v) : pave

  50. Flooring (n) : the floor, things necessary to lay the floor

  51. Flora (n) : goddess of flowers, vegetable species

  52. Florin (n) : an English coin

  53. Florist (n) : horticulturist

Improve Vocabulary in English on 20th April :

English Vocabulary Index

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