English Poems Index
I Cannot Remember My Mother :
I cannot remember my mother
only sometimes in the midst of my play
a tune seems to hover over my playthings,
the tune of some song that she used to
hum while rocking my cradle.
I cannot remember my mother
but when in the early autumn morning
the smell of the shiuli flowers floats in the air
the scent of the morning service in the temple
comes to me as the scent of my mother.
I cannot remember my mother
only when from my bedroom window I send
my eyes into the blue of the distant sky,
I feel that the stillness of
my mother's gaze on my face
has spread all over the sky.
By Rabindranath Tagore from Sishu Bholanath
About the Poet :
Rabindranath Tagore, popularly known as Gurudev (1861 (1941) was a Bengali poet, dramatist and novelist. Tagore won the Nobel Prize for literature for his work, Gitanjali. He founded the Shanthiniketan to promote Indian Culture, Art and Music. Tagore lost his mother when he was a child.
This poem I cannot remember my mother is about a child who does not remember his dead mother. But the child perhaps carries some associations of the mother’s image in his mind.
Words to Know :
Hover : hang about, linger
Rocking : moving gently
Hum : sing with closed lips
Distant : far away
Gaze : look fixedly
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