How Many Senses are there in English?

Beauties of English Index

Can You Count How Many Senses are there in English?


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M

N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

  1. Sense of acceptance of life
  2. Sense of Accomplishment
  3. Sense of achievement
  4. Sense of action
  5. Sense of actuality
  6. Sense of admiration
  7. Sense of adventure
  8. Sense of the aesthetic
  9. Sense of affection
  10. Sense of affirmation
  11. Sense of Alienation
  12. Sense of amoral
  13. Sense of anachronism
  14. Sense of anticipation
  15. Sense of apathy
  16. Sense of the appropriate
  17. Sense of approval
  18. Sense of aridity
  19. Sense of artificiality
  20. Sense of artistry
  21. Sense of atmosphere
  22. Sense of authenticity
  23. Sense of authority
  24. Sense of awe

  1. Sense of badness
  2. Sense of balance
  3. Sense of bearing
  4. Sense of beauty
  5. Sense of beginning
  6. Sense of being alone
  7. Sense of betrayed
  8. Sense of bewilderment
  9. Sense of blessedness
  10. Sense of boredom
  11. Sense of the business

  1. Sense of callousness
  2. Sense of carving
  3. Sense of change
  4. Sense of charm
  5. Sense of circumstance
  6. Sense of class distinction
  7. Sense of coldness
  8. Sense of colour
  9. Sense of comedy
  10. Sense of comfort
  11. Sense of communion with the environment
  12. Sense of community
  13. Sense of community identity
  14. Sense of complacency
  15. Sense of completeness
  16. Sense of completion
  17. Sense of compulsion
  18. Sense of conflict
  19. Sense of confusion
  20. Sense of conscience
  21. Sense of constraint
  22. Sense of contentment
  23. Sense of continuity
  24. Sense of contrast
  25. Sense of the conventional
  26. Sense of conviction
  27. Sense of coolness
  28. Sense of crime
  29. Sense of crisis
  30. Sense of crusade
  31. Sense of cultural diffusion
  32. Sense of cunning
  33. Sense of curiosity

  1. Sense of danger
  2. Sense of darkness
  3. Sense of death
  4. Sense of death and sorrow
  5. Sense of decency
  6. Sense of decor
  7. Sense of decorum
  8. Sense of dedication
  9. Sense of defeat
  10. Sense of defencelessness
  11. Sense of degradation
  12. Sense of dejection
  13. Sense of delicacy
  14. Sense of delight
  15. Sense of dependence
  16. Sense of deprivation
  17. Sense of depth
  18. Sense of desertion
  19. Sense of design
  20. Sense of desire
  21. Sense of desolation
  22. Sense of desperation
  23. Sense of destiny
  24. Sense of detachment
  25. Sense of determinism
  26. Sense of development
  27. Sense of devotion
  28. Sense of dignity
  29. Sense of difference(s)
  30. Sense of difficulty
  31. Sense of dignity
  32. Sense of direction
  33. Sense of disappointment
  34. Sense of discharging one’s duty
  35. Sense of discipline
  36. Sense of disgust
  37. Sense of disproportion and unfitness
  38. Sense of disquiet
  39. Sense of dissatisfaction
  40. Sense of distance
  41. Sense of divinity
  42. Sense of doom
  43. Sense of doubt
  44. Sense of drama
  45. Sense of duration
  46. Sense of duty

  1. Sense of economy
  2. Sense of editorial integrity
  3. Sense of egoism
  4. Sense of elation
  5. Sense of an elemental strength
  6. Sense of embarrassment
  7. Sense of emptiness
  8. Sense of enchantment
  9. Sense of ending
  10. Sense of enjoyment
  11. Sense of enlargement
  12. Sense of envy
  13. Sense of equality
  14. Sense of equity
  15. Sense of estrangement
  16. Sense of evil
  17. Sense of exactitude
  18. Sense of excited enjoyment
  19. Sense of excitement
  20. Sense of exhilaration
  21. Sense of expansion
  22. Sense of experience
  23. Sense of exposure to attacks
  24. Sense of extreme uneasiness

  1. Sense of failing eyes
  2. Sense of failing power in eyes
  3. Sense of failing sight
  4. Sense of failure
  5. Sense of faith
  6. Sense of false security
  7. Sense of false modesty
  8. Sense of false pretence
  9. Sense of familiarity
  10. Sense of fashion
  11. Sense of fate and fatality
  12. Sense of fear
  13. Sense of filial duty
  14. Sense of finality
  15. Sense of fine truth
  16. Sense of finiteness
  17. Sense of fitness
  18. Sense of foreboding
  19. Sense of form
  20. Sense of formality
  21. Sense of fragrance
  22. Sense of freedom
  23. Sense of frustration
  24. Sense of fun
  25. Sense of fusion
  26. Sense of the future
  27. Sense of futility

  1. Sense of gaiety
  2. Sense of gloom
  3. Sense of glory
  4. Sense of grace
  5. Sense of gratitude
  6. Sense of greatness
  7. Sense of grief
  8. Sense of grievance
  9. Sense of grotesque incongruity
  10. Sense of the grotesque
  11. Sense of groundlessness
  12. Sense of guilt

  1. Sense of happiness
  2. Sense of harmony
  3. Sense of hearing
  4. Sense of helplessness
  5. Sense of heritage
  6. Sense of high-spirited vivacity
  7. Sense of historical accuracy
  8. Sense of history
  9. Sense of holiness
  10. Sense of honesty
  11. Sense of honour
  12. Sense of hostility
  13. Sense of human life
  14. Sense of human power
  15. Sense of humanity
  16. Sense of humility
  17. Sense of humour
  18. Sense of hurry

  1. Sense of identification with the aims of a group
  2. Sense of identity
  3. Sense of idleness
  4. Sense of idiom
  5. Sense of ignorance
  6. Sense of immediacy
  7. Sense of immediate loss
  8. Sense of impending disaster
  9. Sense of importance
  10. Sense of impulse
  11. Sense of incompetence
  12. Sense of indebtedness
  13. Sense of individualism
  14. Sense of individuality
  15. Sense of inescapability of death
  16. Sense of inevitability
  17. Sense of inferiority
  18. Sense of ingratitude
  19. Sense of injured merit
  20. Sense of injury
  21. Sense of injustice
  22. Sense of initiative
  23. Sense of insecurity
  24. Sense of inspiration
  25. Sense of insult
  26. Sense of integration
  27. Sense of integrity
  28. Sense of intellectual effort
  29. Sense of intelligent activity
  30. Sense of intimacy
  31. Sense of intrusion
  32. Sense of invention
  33. Sense of involvement
  34. Sense of irony
  35. Sense of irrecoverableness
  36. Sense of irresponsibility
  37. Sense of isolation

  1. Sense of joy
  2. Sense of judgment
  3. Sense of justice

  1. Sense of kinship

  1. Sense of labour
  2. Sense of leisure
  3. Sense of life
  4. Sense of loneliness
  5. Sense of loss
  6. Sense of loss of purpose
  7. Sense of loyalty

  1. Sense of magnitude
  2. Sense of mastery
  3. Sense of meaninglessness of life
  4. Sense of melody
  5. Sense of menace
  6. Sense of metamorphosis
  7. Sense of metrical properties
  8. Sense of military discipline
  9. Sense of misery
  10. Sense of mission
  11. Sense of momentum
  12. Sense of moral responsibility
  13. Sense of morality
  14. Sense of motive
  15. Sense of movement
  16. Sense of musical delight
  17. Sense of mystery
  18. Sense of mysticism

  1. Sense of national honour
  2. Sense of national unity
  3. Sense of nationalism
  4. Sense of nationality
  5. Sense of nationhood
  6. Sense of nearness
  7. Sense of the necessity for order
  8. Sense of nervousness
  9. Sense of nobility of the spirit
  10. Sense of nostalgia
  11. Sense of novelty

  1. Sense of obedience
  2. Sense of obligation
  3. Sense of occasion
  4. Sense of oddity
  5. Sense of oneness
  6. Sense of optimism
  7. Sense of order
  8. Sense of the original
  9. Sense of originality
  10. Sense of outrage

  1. Sense of pain
  2. Sense of paralysis
  3. Sense of participation
  4. Sense of the passage
  5. Sense of the passage of time
  6. Sense of the past
  7. Sense of pattern
  8. Sense of peace
  9. Sense of pensiveness
  10. Sense of perfection
  11. Sense of period
  12. Sense of permanence
  13. Sense of permanency
  14. Sense of personal dignity
  15. Sense of personal gallantry
  16. Sense of personal identity
  17. Sense of personal importance
  18. Sense of personal involvement
  19. Sense of personal relation
  20. Sense of perspective
  21. Sense of perversity
  22. Sense of physical well being
  23. Sense of pity
  24. Sense of place
  25. Sense of planning
  26. Sense of pleasurable relations
  27. Sense of pleasure
  28. Sense of political competence
  29. Sense of political responsibility
  30. Sense of pomposity
  31. Sense of possession
  32. Sense of power
  33. Sense of the precarious
  34. Sense of presence
  35. Sense of principle
  36. Sense of piracy
  37. Sense of private dignity
  38. Sense of professional solidarity
  39. Sense of progress
  40. Sense of property
  41. Sense of proportion
  42. Sense of proprietorship
  43. Sense of propriety
  44. Sense of proximity
  45. Sense of prudence
  46. Sense of prudery
  47. Sense of public duty
  48. Sense of purpose

  1. Sense of quality

  1. Sense of racial superiority
  2. Sense of realism
  3. Sense of reality
  4. Sense of reasoning
  5. Sense of regret
  6. Sense of relationship
  7. Sense of release
  8. Sense of relief
  9. Sense of religion
  10. Sense of remorse
  11. Sense of remoteness
  12. Sense of renewal
  13. Sense of repression
  14. Sense of respect
  15. Sense of respectability
  16. Sense of responsibility
  17. Sense of restlessness
  18. Sense of restraint
  19. Sense of reverence
  20. Sense of rhythm
  21. Sense of the ridiculous
  22. Sense of righteous
  23. Sense of righteousness
  24. Sense of rightness
  25. Sense of romance
  26. Sense of ruin

  1. Sense of the sacred
  2. Sense of sacrifice
  3. Sense of sacrilege
  4. Sense of sanctuary
  5. Sense of seclusion
  6. Sense of security
  7. Sense of selectivity
  8. Sense of self-importance
  9. Sense of self-respect
  10. Sense of sense
  11. Sense of separation
  12. Sense of seriousness
  13. Sense of shame
  14. Sense of shock
  15. Sense of sickness
  16. Sense of significance
  17. Sense of silence
  18. Sense of sin
  19. Sense of smell
  20. Sense of social identity
  21. Sense of social justice
  22. Sense of social responsibility
  23. Sense of social service
  24. Sense of society
  25. Sense of solemnity
  26. Sense of solidarity
  27. Sense of spaciousness
  28. Sense of spirit of the religion
  29. Sense of stability
  30. Sense of strain
  31. Sense of strangeness
  32. Sense of structure
  33. Sense of style
  34. Sense of sublimity
  35. Sense of success
  36. Sense of sudden liberation
  37. Sense of suffocation
  38. Sense of superiority
  39. Sense of the supernatural
  40. Sense of the supernatural power
  41. Sense of surprise
  42. Sense of suspicion
  43. Sense of symmetry

  1. Sense of tact
  2. Sense of tension
  3. Sense of territory
  4. Sense of terror
  5. Sense of time
  6. Sense of time passing
  7. Sense of timelessness
  8. Sense of timeliness
  9. Sense of touch
  10. Sense of tradition
  11. Sense of tragedy
  12. Sense of tragic fate
  13. Sense of tranquillity
  14. Sense of triumph
  15. Sense of truth

  1. Sense of uncertainty
  2. Sense of unease
  3. Sense of uneasiness
  4. Sense of unity
  5. Sense of universality
  6. Sense of unreality
  7. Sense of unworthiness
  8. Sense of urgency
  9. Sense of uselessness
  10. Sense of utter desertion
  11. Sense of utter loss

  1. Sense of vacuum
  2. Sense of the value of time
  3. Sense of values
  4. Sense of vanity
  5. Sense of victory
  6. Sense of virtue
  7. Sense of vision
  8. Sense of vivacity
  9. Sense of vocation

  1. Sense of weakness
  2. Sense of weariness
  3. Sense of well being
  4. Sense of wonder
  5. Sense of worldly dignity
  6. Sense of worth
  7. Sense of wrong
  8. Sense of wrong doing

  1. Sense of youth

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