Here You could find all types of Homonyms to clarify your doubt.
Lacks: A thing that does not have or is devoid of
1. relaxed (of muscles)
2. Not sufficient strict, severe(in discipline) or careful
Lessen: To reduce or bring down in number
Lesson: A thing that learnt, a period of learning or teaching
Liar: A person who tells lies or falsehoods
Lyre: A stringed instrument, used especially in ancient Greece
1. A fungus that grows on rocks, walls and trees
2. A skin disease in which small, round, hard lesions occur close together
Liken: To compare (to something)
Lightening: To reduce the weight of something
Lightning: A brief, natural, high-voltage electrical discharge between a cloud and the ground or within a cloud accompanied by a bright flash and often with thunder also
1. heavy or bulky thing that is being carried
2. A weight or source of pressure
3. The amount of work that is to be done by a person or by a machine
Lode: A vein of metal ore in the earth
1. A thing or an amount that is borrowed, particularly a sum that is supposed to be paid back with interest
2. The act of lending
Lone: By itself, the only one or being along with out any company of other person