He Who Rides A Tiger Is Afraid To Dismount.

He Who Rides A Tiger Is Afraid To Dismount. :

The tiger is a wild and ferocious animal. It will attack anybody if it gets a chance. If it happens that somebody is riding on its back, it will be very risky to get down, as the tiger will immediately attack him. Therefore he who is on the tiger’s back has to continue riding without getting down. At the same times, riding on the tiger’s back is not a very comfortable thing. But in spite of that, he has to cling on. Similarly, it is always wise to avoid dealings with dangerous groups and enterprises. Once we get involved with them, it might become very risky to pull off. Those who join gangs and terrorist groups are really binding themselves to those for their life. It they change their mind later on and decide to pull out, such groups will never let them do so. So, we should not get associated with those dangerous groups. If we happen to get associated with those dangerous groups, we have to remain with them till our deaths.

He Who Rides A Tiger Is Afraid To Dismount.