He That Hath No Silver In His Purse Should Have Silk In His Tongue.

He That Hath No Silver In His Purse Should Have Silk In His Tongue. :

Often a person who has no money is compelled to approach others for help. To secure their help he should speak sweetly and convincingly. Smooth talk helps to rouse the sympathy of others. Even hard hearted people can be coaxed into sympathy if approached in the right way. With sweet and gentle words it is possible to move their hearts. But if a person is harsh in his words he should change his manner of talking. Otherwise, he will not be able to make others help him. If a beggar demands money rudely he will receive only scorn. Other people may just pass him off without paying any attention. But if he begs in a humble and touching manner, people may be liberal in giving alms. In short, if a person has not money with him, he should be able to talk smoothly to others to get proper help.

He That Hath No Silver In His Purse Should Have Silk In His Tongue.