Grammar Terms
Word List: Grammar Terms281 Matching Entries Browse our collection of Grammar Terms which allow you to examine words more closely. Provide descriptions of words alongside dictionary definitions and a list of related words. 1st conditional 2nd conditional 3rd conditional abbreviation abstract noun academic question accent acronym acrostic active adjectival noun adjective adjunct adverb adverbial affix agent agreement allegory alliteration allomorph allophone alphabet animate noun antonym article aspect attributive adjective auxiliary verb base form bilingual dictionary call capital letter cardinal number case causative verb clause cliche close pair collective noun collocation colloquial comparative complement complex preposition concord concordancer concrete noun conditional perfect conditionals conjunct conjunction consonant continuous verbs contranym copula verb count noun countable noun creole crossword dictionary declarative defining relative clause definite article demonstrative demonstrative adjective demonstrative pronoun descriptive grammar determiner diachronic dialect dictionary dictionary of contemporary english dictionary types direct object direct speech discourse analysis disjunct disyllabic ditransitive verb dyad dynamic verb eap efl ergative esl esol etymological dictionary etymology euphemism examples of acronyms figure of speech finite verb flesch kincaid index fog index future continuous future perfect future perfect continuous gender gerund glossary grammar heterony homograph homonym homophone hyperbole hyponym hypothetical question idiolect idiom illustrated dictionary imperative inanimate noun inchoative verb indefinite article index indirect object indirect speech infinitive inflection interrogative pronoun intransitive verb irony irregular plural irregular verb jargon letter lexical density test limerick litotes loan word lower case main verb major sentence malapropism mass noun metaphor metonymy mini dictionary minimal pair minor sentence mixed conditionals mnemonic modal modal verb monolingual dictionary monosyllabic mood morpheme negative negative pronoun neologism non defining relative clause non finite verb noun noun as adjective noun phrase number numeral object onomatopoeia ordinal number other conditionals oxymoron palindrome paragraph participles particle passive passive index past continuous past participle past perfect past perfect continuous past simple perfect perfect aspect person personal pronoun philology phoneme phonetic alphabet phonetics phrasal verb phrase pidgin plagiarism pleonasm plural pocket dictionary poetry polysemy polysyllabic portmanteau word possessive adjective possessive pronoun postmodifier predicate predicative adjective prefix premodifier preposition prepositional phrase prescriptive grammar present continuous present participle present perfect present perfect continuous present simple progressive aspect pronoun proper noun prose prosody punctuation quantifier question question tag question types readability test received pronunciation reciprocal pronoun redundancy reed kellogg diagrams reflexive pronoun regular verb relative clause relative pronoun reported speech resultative adjective rhetorical question rhyme rhyming dictionary sarcasm satire semantics sentence simile simple past singular slang spoonerism standard english stanza stative verb subject subjunctive substantive suffix superlative superordinate swear words syllable syllable division Syllables synchronic synecdoche synonym syntax tail question tautology tefl tense tesol text thesaurus topic sentence transitive verb uncountable noun understatement upper case utterance verb verb group verb phrase voice vowel word zero article zero conditional zeugma Words List IndexFrom Grammar Terms to HOME PAGE |