Here you will find examples for all English Grammar Terms. This is added as our response to our visitors who persistently demand examples for all Grammar Terms in order to understand those terms clearly.
Since we have a large collection of English Teachers (ESL Teachers) as our regular visitors, we oblige them by adding this self-explanatory page. This is the outcome of the long-time efforts of our experts who are doing yeoman services by sharing their knowledge with us. We stay humble in front of their knowledge and their willingness to share the same with us. We will add more such pages over the period of time to this site. You are welcome to make the best use of these materials for the advancement of your English knowledge and your communication skills.
If you are an ESL Teacher, you are welcome to enroll your details in our database of ESL Tutors by submitting your application here. Our students will contact you seeking your (online) teaching services.
The Terms are arranged here on first-one-first basis.