Difficult Words : Genre, Garrulous, Genteel, Gesticulate, Glut and Grandiloquent

Difficult Words: Genre, Garrulous, Genteel, Gesticulate, Glut and Grandiloquent

Garrulous (GAR uh lus) adj: talkative, chatty

Gillette is gregarious and garrulous. He loves to hang out with the gang and gab.

The noun is garrulity.

Genteel (jen TEEL) adj: refined, polite, aristocratic, affecting refinement

The ladies at the ball were too genteel to accept our invitation to the wrestling match.

Jake had been born in a slum but now, in his mansion, his life was genteel.

A person who is genteel has gentility.

Genre (ZHAHN ruh) n: a type or category, especially of art or writing

The novel is one genre. Poetry is another. Alan displayed a great talent for a particular genre: the bawdy limerick.

Gesticulate (je STIK yuh LATE) v: to make gestures, especially when speaking or in place of speaking

Harry gesticulated wildly on the other side of the theater in an attempt to get out attention.

The after-dinner speaker gesticulated in such a strange way that the audience paid more attention to his hands than to his words.

A person who gesticulates makes gesticulations.

Glut (glut) n: surplus, an overabundance

The international oil shortage turned into an international oil glut with surprising speed.

We had a glut of contributions but a dearth, or scarcity, of volunteers. It seemed that people would rather give their money than their time.

Grandiloquent (gran DIL uh kwunt) adj: pompous, using a lot of big, fancy words in an attempt to sound impressive.

The president's speech was grandiloquent rather than eloquent. There were some six-dollar words and some impressive phrases, but he really had nothing to say.

The new minister's grandiloquence got him in trouble with deacons who wanted him to be more restrained in his sermons.

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