GMAT Vocabulary Words for 23rd March

English Vocabulary Index

GMAT Vocabulary Words for 23rd March :

  1. Display (v) : to show or exhibit

  2. Display (n) : a how or exhibition

  3. Displease (v) : disgust, offend, annoy

  4. Displeasing (adj.) : offending, not pleasing

  5. Displeasure (n) : displeased feeling, dissatisfaction

  6. Displume (v) : strip off the feathers

  7. Disposal (n) : arrangement, parting with

  8. Dispose (v) : arrange, distribute, sell

  9. Disposition (n) : setting in order temperament, handing over of something to another

  10. Disproportionate (adj.) : relatively too big or too small

  11. Disprove (v) ; refute, confute

  12. Dispute (v) : oppose, antagonize, argue

  13. Dispute (n) : combat, quarrel

  14. Disqualify (v) : incapacitate , disable

  15. Disquisition (n) : elaborate discussion on a subject, investigation

  16. Disregard (n) : discredit, ill character

  17. Disrespect (n) : lack of politeness, want of respect

  18. Disrupt (v) : shatter, separate forcibly

  19. Dissatisfaction (n) : absence of contentment

  20. Dissemble (v) : conceal, to be false, pretend

  21. Disseminate (v) : scatter or spread

  22. Dissent (v) : disagree, to differ in opinion

  23. Dissertation (n) : a disquisition written by a candidate for a degree

  24. Disservice (n) : harm, injury, mischief

  25. Dissever (v) : divide into two

  26. Dissimilar (adj.) : unlike, not similar

  27. Dissipate (v) : disperse, to waste

  28. Dissociate (v) : disunite, sever, part

  29. Dissolve (v) : dispense, to liquefy, disappear

  30. Dissuade (v) : advise against, divert, discourage

  31. Distaff (n) : cleft on which yarn was wound in spinning

  32. Distance (n) : measure of space in between two things

  33. Distance (n) : the state of being for off

  34. Distance (n) : coldness of manner

  35. Distant (adj.) : lying far off, cold in manner

  36. Distaste (n) : aversion, dislike

  37. Distemper (n) : a kind of paint

  38. Distend (v) : to swallow out, to stretch

  39. Distil (v) : rectify, drop gently, extract

  40. Distillery (n) : factory where distillation is carried on

  41. Distinct (adj.) : clear, different, separate

GMAT Vocabulary Words for 23rd March :

English Vocabulary Index

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