Frequently Used English Words for 18th March
English Vocabulary Index
Frequently Used English Words for 18th March :
Diary (n) : a book in which daily happenings are recorded
Diatribe (n) : angry attack in words
Dibble (n) : a short pointed tool used for making holes in the ground
Dice (n) : small cubes used in games
Dicotyledon (n) : a plant with two seed parts
Dictate (v) : order, tell with authority, under word for another to write, instigate
Dictation (n) : act of reading a command
Dictator (n) : absolute ruler despot, commander
Dictatorial (adj.) : all powerful commanding, imperious
Diction (n) : choice of words in writing and speaking manner of exposition
Dictionary (n) : a book containing the words of a language in the alphabetical order along with their meanings
Dictum (n) : a proverb, a wise saying, assertion
Did (v) : past tense of DO
Didactic (adj.) : intended to teach or instruct
Didactics (n) : a science of teaching
Die (v) : cease to, lose life
Die (n) : a small cube used in games, a mould
Diet (n) : the food we eat habitually, kinds of food to which a person is limited
Differ (v) : disagree, be unlike
Difference (n) : unlikeness, distinction, controversy, quarrel
Different (adj.) : unlike, not the same, separate
Differential (adj.) : varying, partial, showing a difference, special
Differentiate (v) : make different, discriminate
Difficult (adj.) : hard, arduous
Difficulty (n) : perplexity, hardness, obstacle, trouble
Difference (n) : lack of self-confidence district, shyness
Different (adj.) : wanting in self-confidence
Diffuse (v) : scatter , spread, mix slowly
Diffuse (adj.) : scattered spread, widely
Dig (v) : break up and move the earth
Digest (v) : change the food into liquid in the stomach
Digest (n) : summary
Digestible (adj.) : that can be easily digested
Digestion (v) : an arrangement, distribution, assimilation
Digestive (adj.) : pertaining to digestion
Dight (v) : put in order, array
Digit (n) : a number, numeral under ten, finger or toe, a finger’s breadth
Dignity (n) : high worth or rank, honour, nobility
Digress (v) : deviate from the point in speaking or writing, wander
Dike (n) : ditch, dyke
Dyke (n) : a high wall of earth to keep back the water from the sea or river
Frequently Used English Words for 18th March :
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