Free Vocabulary Test

English Vocabulary Index

Free Vocabulary Test for 22nd June :

  1. Libellous (adj.) : defamatory

  2. Liberal (adj.): generous, broad-minded, giving freely

  3. Liberate (v) : release, disjoin

  4. Libertine (n) : person without moral restraints

  5. Liberty (n) : freedom, permission

  6. Library (n) : a collection of books

  7. Lice (n) : plural of LOUSE

  8. Licence (n) : a written permission to do something

  9. Licence (v) : to permit, authorise

  10. License (v) : give a licence

  11. Licentious (adj.) : lawless, immoral

  12. Lichen (n) : a kind of flowerless plants

  13. Lick (v) : pass tongue over, suck up, play lightly over, thrash

  14. Lick (n) : licking

  15. Licit (adj.): lawful, proper

  16. Lid (n) : cover for an opening

  17. Lie (n) : an untruth, falsehood

  18. Lie (v) : rest on, tell a lie

  19. Liege (adj.): faithful (to land lard)

  20. Lien (n) : a right to a post or property

  21. Liet (adj.) : willingly, gladly

  22. Lieu (n) : in lieu of, stead, place, instead of

  23. Lifeblood (n) : vital fluid

  24. Life-boat (n) : a boat for saving people in danger or drowning

  25. Lifeless (adj.) : without life, dull

  26. Lifelike (adj.) : true to life

  27. Lifetime (n) : duration of one’s life

  28. Ligament (n) : bandage, cord

  29. Ligature (n) : a thing used for binding a bandage

  30. Lighten (v): make lighter or less heavy

  31. Lightheaded (n) : throughtless, careless, unsteady, dizzy

  32. Light-hearted (adj.) : cheerful

  33. Light-house (n) : a tower with a powerful light at the top erected as a guide to sailors at night

  34. Lightning (n) : an electric flash from the clouds

  35. Lignite (n) : soft brown coal

  36. Like (adj.) : equal, similar

  37. Like (n) : a person or thing similar to another

  38. Like (v) : love, be fond of

  39. Likelihood (n) : probability

  40. Likely (adj.) : probable, suitable

  41. Liken (v) : compare

  42. Like wise (adv): similarly, also, more over, too

  43. Like wise (conj.): similarly, also, more over, too

  44. Like wise (n) : in a like manner

  45. Liking (n) : satisfaction, taste, desire

  46. Lilac (n) : a shrub with purple or white blossoms

  47. Lilt (n) : a cheerful tune

  48. Lilt (v) : sing melodiously

  49. Lily (n) : a plant producing beautiful flowers

Free Vocabulary Test for 22nd June :

English Vocabulary Index

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