Free Vocabulary Builder Software

English Vocabulary Index

Free Vocabulary Builder Software for 14th June :

  1. Jujube (n) : a kind of free

  2. July (n) : the seventh month of the English year

  3. Jumble (v) : confuse

  4. Jumble (n) : confusion, muddle

  5. Jump (v) : to leap

  6. Jump (n) : a sudden movement

  7. Junction (n) : a meeting place(especially) where lines of railway meet

  8. Juncture (n) : junction, a critical time

  9. June (n) : the sixth month of the English year

  10. Jungle (n) : close wooded forest

  11. Junior (adj.) :younger, lower

  12. Junior (n) : the younger

  13. Juniper (n) : an evergreen shrub

  14. Junk (n) : old ropes, salt meat, a small Chinese ship

  15. Junket (n) : a feast, curbs mixed with cream

  16. Junta (n): cabinet, council of state, a clique, faction

  17. Jupiter (n) : king of the roman gods, a large planet

  18. Jurisdiction (n) : extent of legal authority

  19. Jurisprudence (n): the science of law

  20. Jurist (n) : one learned in law

  21. Jury (n) : a body of persons sworn to enquire into and give verdict in some cases

  22. Justice (n) : fairness, judge

  23. Justify (v) : to prove to be right or just

  24. Justly (adv) : fairly

  25. Justness (n) : fairness, impartiality

  26. Jut (v) : to project

  27. Jute (n) : the coarse fibre of an Indian plant

  28. Juvenile (adj.): youthful

  29. Juvenile (n) : Youngman

  30. Juxtaposition (n) : state of being side by side, nearness

English Vocabulary Index

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