Foreign Words and Phrases
Foreign Words and Phrases Index
Here is the complete list of Foreign Words and Phrases beginning with A.
A bon chat (F) = to a good cat / well matched
A chaque saint sa chandelle (F) = to every saint his candle
A mensa et toro (L) = from bed to board
A nos moutons (L) = let us return to our sheeps
A verbis ad verbera (L) = from words to blows
A vieux comptes nouvelles disputes (F) = all accounts breed new disputes
Ab imo pectore (L) = from the bottom of the heart
Ab initio = from the very beginning
Ab ovo usque ad mala (L) = from the beginning to the end
Ab ovo usque ad mala (L) = from the eggs to the apples
Abiit (L) = he is gone.
Actum est de republica (L) = it is all up with the sate.
Ad hoc = established for the special purpose
Ad libitum = as much as you please
Ad majorem Dei gloriam (L) = for the greater glory of God / The Jesus Motto
Ad vitam aut culpam (L) = for life or till fault
Ad vitam aut culpam (L) = for life unless misconduct necessitates dismissal
Ad vitam aut culpam (L) = of appointments
Aide-toi, le ciel t aidera (F) = help yourself the heaven will help you
Alamort = very ill
Alias = also known as
Aliquid haeret (L) = something sticks
Allah il allah = there is no god but god
Alma mater = mother institutions
Alpha and omega = beginning and end
Alter ego = bosom friend
Alter ipse amicus (L) = a friend is another self
Alumni = ex-student of a college
Amare et sapere vix deo conceditur (L) = to be in love and to be wise is scarce granted even to god
Anno domini = in the year of the Lord A.D.
Antant d’hommes autant dávis = so many men so many minds
Après moi nous le deluge (F) = after me the deluge
Aquila non capit muscas (L) = an eagle does not catch flies
Arcades ambo (L) = two of the same stamp
Argumentum = an argument
Ariston men hydor (G) = water is best.
Ars est celare artem (L) = true art is to conceal art.
Ars longa – vita brevis (L) = art is long. Life is short.
At spes non fracta (L) = but hope is not yet crushed.
Atra cura (L) = black care
Au bout de son latin (F) = at his wit’s end
Au bout de son latin (F) = at the end of his knowledge
Au bout de son latin (F) = at the end of his Latin
Au royaume des aveugles les borgnes sont rois (F) = in the king-dome of blinds, one-eyed is the king.
Audentes fortuna juvat (L) = fortune favours the daring
Audi alteram partem (L) = hear the other side
Aufgeschobers ist nicht aufgehobes = put off is not giving up.
Aujour hui roi , demain rien (F) = king today nothing tomorrow
Auri sacra fames (F) = accused hunger for gold
Aussitot dit aussitot fait (F) = no sooner than than done
Austrine est imperare orbi universe (F) = it is Austria’s part to command the whole world.
Aut amat aut odit mulier, nihil est tertium (L) = a woman either loves or hates. There is no third course.
Aut insanity homo aut versus facit (L) = either man is mad or he is making verses
Aut non tentaris aut perfice (L) = either do not attempt or achieve
Aut regem aut fatum nasci oportet (L) = one should be born either a king or a fool
Aut vincere aut mori (L) = to conquer or to die
Autant d’hommes autant dávis (F) = so many men so many minds
Aux absents les os (F) = the bones to the absent
Aux grands maux les grands rem edes (F) = to desperate evils desperate remedies
Ave Caesar (imperator) , morituri te salutant (L) = Hail, Caesar, men doomed to die salute thee(said by gladiators)
Avise la fin (F) = weight well in the end
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