Finding the Direction of Sound
The Sight of One Eye

Science Projects Index

Finding the Direction of Sound

There is a slight difference in the time sound reaches both the ears. This is about one thousandth of a second. But using this sound difference, the ears and the brain can find out the source of a sound. You can demonstrate this capacity of the human ears very easily. One of your friends should sit on a chair with her eyes blindfolded.

All your other friends should sit round her at various points. Let each person snap his finger. Let your blindfolded friend, each time point at the direction of the sound. You should make an observation as to when all the pointing is correct.

The Sight of One Eye

We require both our eyes to tell us the correct position of things. To demonstrate this, place a small saucer on the table.

Ask a friend to hold a clay pellet in his hands above the saucer. Now you should close one of eyes and look at the saucer and according to your understanding of the position of the saucer, instruct your friend to move his hands above the saucer to a position, from where the clay pellet, if dropped will fall into the saucer. Once that is done let your friend drop the clay pellet. See if the pellet drops into the saucer or not. Now repeat the experiment with both eyes open. See if there is a difference in results.

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