A Word A Day : Figurative
Tuesday, 18th September 2007 : Today's Word is ...
( Adjective )
Pronunciation : fig'yur-e-tiv
1. Based on or making use of figures of speech
2. Containing many figures of speech
3. Represented by a figure or resemblance
4. Of or relating to artistic representation by means of animal or human
1. Nonliteral
2. Figural
3. Symbolic
4. Metaphorical
5. Emblematic
6. Ornate
1. Literal
2. Real
3. Straightforward
Contextual Examples:
• It is difficult to understand his figurative language.
• These expressions, though figurative, sufficiently indicated the bent of Mrs. Kathy.
Related Words:
1. Figuratively : Adverb
2. Figurativeness : Noun
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