Female First Names

Here is the complete list of Female First Names beginning with A.

  1. Abby = father rejoiced

  2. Abigail = father rejoiced

  3. Ada = noble

  4. Addie = noble

  5. Addy = noble

  6. Adela = noble

  7. Adelaide = noble

  8. Adele = noble

  9. Adella = noble

  10. Adrianne = high

  11. Adrienne = high

  12. Agatha = good

  13. Aggie = chaste

  14. Aggie = good

  15. Aggy = chaste

  16. Agnes = chaste

  17. Aileen = beautiful

  18. Ailie = of high condition

  19. Ailsa = strong

  20. Alexia = helper

  21. Ali = of high standard

  22. Alice = of high standard

  23. Alicia = of high class

  24. Alison = of high birth

  25. Allie = of high birth

  26. Allison = of high level

  27. Ally = of high standard

  28. Alma = fostering / loving / nourishing

  29. Althea = healer / wholesome

  30. Amabel = entreated

  31. Amabel = lovable

  32. Amabel = loved by all

  33. Amanda = lovable

  34. Amber = precious

  35. Ambrose = divine

  36. Amelia = struggling

  37. Amy = beloved

  38. Anastasia = resurrection

  39. Andrea = womanly

  40. Andrina = womanly

  41. Angel = messenger

  42. Angela = messenger

  43. Angelica = messenger

  44. Angelina = messenger

  45. Angharad = much loved

  46. Angie = messenger

  47. Angy = messenger

  48. Anita = favoured by God

  49. Ann = favoured by God

  50. Anna = favoured by God

  51. Annabel = entreated

  52. Annabel = loved by all

  53. Annabella = loved by all

  54. Annabelle = loved by all

  55. Anne = favoured by God

  56. Anneka = favoured by God

  57. Annette = favoured by God

  58. Annie = favoured by God

  59. Annika = favoured by God

  60. Annis = chaste

  61. Annot = chaste

  62. Antoinette = charming

  63. Anushka = favoured by God

  64. April = sweety

  65. Arabella = entreated

  66. Ariadne = holy

  67. Ashleigh = white

  68. Ashley = white

  69. Astrid = divinely beautiful

  70. Aubrey = noble power

  71. Audrey = noble power

  72. Augusta = divine

  73. Auriel = gold

  74. Auriol = gold

  75. Aurora = dawn

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