Female First Names
Here is the complete list of Female First Names beginning with A.
- Abby = father rejoiced
Abigail = father rejoiced
Ada = noble
Addie = noble
Addy = noble
Adela = noble
Adelaide = noble
Adele = noble
Adella = noble
Adrianne = high
Adrienne = high
Agatha = good
Aggie = chaste
Aggie = good
Aggy = chaste
Agnes = chaste
Aileen = beautiful
Ailie = of high condition
Ailsa = strong
Alexia = helper
Ali = of high standard
Alice = of high standard
Alicia = of high class
Alison = of high birth
Allie = of high birth
Allison = of high level
Ally = of high standard
Alma = fostering / loving / nourishing
Althea = healer / wholesome
Amabel = entreated
Amabel = lovable
Amabel = loved by all
Amanda = lovable
Amber = precious
Ambrose = divine
Amelia = struggling
Amy = beloved
Anastasia = resurrection
Andrea = womanly
Andrina = womanly
Angel = messenger
Angela = messenger
Angelica = messenger
Angelina = messenger
Angharad = much loved
Angie = messenger
Angy = messenger
Anita = favoured by God
Ann = favoured by God
Anna = favoured by God
Annabel = entreated
Annabel = loved by all
Annabella = loved by all
Annabelle = loved by all
Anne = favoured by God
Anneka = favoured by God
Annette = favoured by God
Annie = favoured by God
Annika = favoured by God
Annis = chaste
Annot = chaste
Antoinette = charming
Anushka = favoured by God
April = sweety
Arabella = entreated
Ariadne = holy
Ashleigh = white
Ashley = white
Astrid = divinely beautiful
Aubrey = noble power
Audrey = noble power
Augusta = divine
Auriel = gold
Auriol = gold
Aurora = dawn
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