Effective Public Speaking Index A felicitation speech is delivered when someone's achievements are publicly recognised. While following the formula given for the
prepared speech, particular mention must be made of the hardships the honouree went through to achieve what he did.
This felicitation speech serves to praise the speaker and appreciate his efforts. Something that he cannot do to himself! It also serves as a motivator to the audience to emulate his feats. The honouree's bio data is your ground document. You need to spend some time with him and get him to talk about his achievements, before the event.
A full salutation, a few remarks related to the subject and the honouree are the right beginnings of this speech.
Reply to the Felicitation Speech :
This speech is given by the person who is being felicitated. It is generally a thank you speech. A thank you to the organizers who honoured him, the people who helped him achieve what he did.
A full salutation precedes this speech.
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