Oxymorons : Fashion

Here is the largest collection of the Oxymorons related to ~ Fashion ~.

Baggy Tights

Barely Dressed

Casual Chic

Comfortably Dressed

Designer Jeans

Dress Pants

Dress Shirt

Fake Jewelry

Geek Chic (Sloppy way of tech dress)

Gold Silverware

Half Dressed

Half Naked

Long Brief

Long Shorts

Long Sleeve T-Shirt

Medium Large

Natural Makeup

Natural Synthetic

Nerd Chic (Sloppy way of tech dress)

One Size Fits All

Real Polyester

Real Vinyl

Rustic Elegance

Short Pants

Sloppy Chic (Sloppy way of tech dress)

Tight Slacks

Ultra Casual

White Gold

Oxymoronic Quotes and Sayings : Fashion

  • A woman met a man walking along the street wearing only one shoe. 'Just lost a shoe?' she asked. He answered, 'Nope, just found one'.

  • I never put on a pair of shoes until I've worn them at least five years. - Samuel Goldwyn

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