English Vocabulary Word List for 2nd March
English Vocabulary Index
English Vocabulary Word List for 2nd March :
Corporal (n) : a military officer
Corporal (adj.) : corporal punishment
Corporate (adj.) : united into one body, belonging to a civic body
Corporation (n) : a society authorized by law to act as one individual
Corps (n) : a body of soldiers, troops
Corpse (n) : a dead body
Corpulent (adj.) : fat
Corpulent (n) : corpulence
Correct (adj.) : accurate, true
Correct (v) : make right
Correction (n) : an amendment
Correlate (v) : show the relationship between
Correlate (n) : correlation
Correspond (v) : have due relation, agree, communicate
Correspondence (n) : communication by means of letters
Correspondent (n) : person who keeps up correspondence
Correspondent (adv.) : suitable
Corresponding (adj.) : that is in agreement with
Corresponding (adj.) that is in agreement with
Correspondingly (adv) : that is in agreement with
Corridor (n) : a covered passage in a building
Corrode (v) : eat away or into
Corrode (n) : corrosion
Corrode (adj.) : corrosive
Corrupt (v) : bribe, make bad
Corrupt (adj.) : made bad, impure
Corruption (n) : state of becoming corrupt, impure or bad
Cosmopolitan (adj.) : having broad sympathies
Cost (n) : amount paid value for something
Cost (v) : be the value of
Costiveness (n) : constipation
Costly (adj.) : valuable, dear, expensive
Costume (n) : dress
Cosy (adj.) : warm, comfortable, sung
Cot (n) : a small house, hut, a small bed
Cottage (n) : a small dwelling house
Cotton (n) : a soft downy vegetable substance used for making yarn
Cotton (adj.) : made of cotton
Couch (n) : a bed, sofa
Couch (v) : lay down
Cough (n) : a sudden noisy and violent expulsion of air from the lungs
Cough (v) : give out a cough
Council (n) : an assembly met for consultation
Councillor (n) : member of a council
Counsel (n) : deliberation, legal adviser
Counsel (v) : give advice
Count (v) : reckon
Countenance (n) : expression of the face
Countenance (v) : allow, tolerate
Counter (n) : one who counts or reckons
Counter (v) : oppose
Counteract (v) : check, hinder, neutralize, defeat
Counter-attack (n) : attack in return
Counterfeit (v) : imitate with a view to deceive
English Vocabulary Word List for 2nd March :
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