English Vocabulary Lists with Meanings
for 14th February

English Vocabulary Index

English Vocabulary Lists with Meanings for 14th February :

  1. Castor oil (n) : oil from castor seeds

  2. Casual (adj.) : accidental, chance

  3. Casualty (n) : accident, mishap, a person injured by accident

  4. Casuarina (n) : a kind of tree with joined leaves

  5. Cat (n) : a carnivorous domestic animal, pussy

  6. Cataclysm (n) : deluge

  7. Catalogue (n) : a list

  8. Catalogue (v) : prepare a list of

  9. Catamaran (n) : a raft or float of pieces of wood

  10. Cataract (n) : a great fall of water; a disease of the eye

  11. Catch (v) : seize, grasp

  12. Catch (n) : grasp

  13. Catchment (n) : source from which rain water flows into

  14. Catch word (n) : a clue, a slogan

  15. Catchy (adj.) : attractive

  16. Category (n) : group

  17. Caterer (n) : one who undertakes to supply provisions, food, etc.,

  18. Caterpillar (n) : the larva or worm of butterfly

  19. Cathedral (n) : the principal church

  20. Cats-eye (n) : a chief variety of quartz

  21. Cats-paw (n) : a scapegoat, a dupe pr tool

  22. Cattle (n) : cows, sheep, etc., live stock

  23. Caught (n) : past tense and past participle

  24. Cauldron (n) : a big hollow vessel for boiling etc.,

  25. Caldron (n) : a big hollow vessel for boiling etc.,

  26. Caulk (v) : repair leakages, (in ship, cask, etc)

  27. Cause (n) : reason

  28. Cause (v) : produce

  29. Caution (n) : care

  30. Caution (v) : warn

  31. Cautious (adj.) : careful, watchful

  32. Cavalcade (n) : procession of person on horseback

  33. Cavalier (n) : horseman

  34. Cavalier (adj.) : haughty

  35. Cave (n) : a (large) den

  36. Cavil (n) : a trivial objection

  37. Cavity (n) : a hollow

  38. Caw (n) : the cry of a crow

  39. Caw (v) : cry as a crow

  40. Cease (v) : stop, put an end to

  41. Ceaseless (adj.) : continual, never ending

  42. Cedar (n) : a kind of big tree

  43. Cede (v) : grant, give way, yield

  44. Ceiling (n) : the inner roof of a house

  45. Celebrate (v) : perform with proper rites and ceremonies

  46. Celebrated (adj.) : famous

  47. Celebration (n) : observance or performance with due rites

  48. Celebrity (n) : a well-known person

  49. Celestial (adj.) : heavenly

  50. Celibacy (n) : the state of being unmarried

English Vocabulary Lists with Meanings for 14th February :

English Vocabulary Index
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