English Vocabulary Games
for 23rd February

English Vocabulary Index

English Vocabulary Games for 23rd February :

  1. Commit (v) : give in charge, do

  2. Commitment (n) : promise, obligation

  3. Committee (n) : a body of persons appointed to attend to a particular matter

  4. Commodious (adj.) : roomy

  5. Commodity (n) : an article of merchandise

  6. Common (adj.) : ordinary, belonging to all

  7. Commons (n) : the common people, the lower house of parliament

  8. Commonwealth (n) : republic

  9. Commotion (n) : disturbance

  10. Communal (adj.) : pertaining to community, relating to the divisions in a religion

  11. Communicate (v) : impart, inform, transmit

  12. Communication (n) : act of communicating; a letter

  13. Communion (n) : fellowship, concord

  14. Communique (n) : an official statement

  15. Community (n) : a class, society

  16. Community (adj.) : common to all

  17. Commute (v) : exchange, lessen

  18. Compact (adj.) : close

  19. Compact (n) : agreement

  20. Companion (n) : comrade

  21. Company (n) : society, a body of persons united to carry on some trade

  22. Compare (v) : examine the similarities and differences between

  23. Comparison (n) : act of comparing, similarity, simple

  24. Compartment (n) : a partitioned space or room

  25. Compass (n) : a direction indicator

  26. Compasses (n & pl.) : a mathematical instrument for drawing circles

  27. Compassion (n) : mercy, pity

  28. Compatible (adj.) : suitable, agreeing with (opp.) : incompatible

  29. Compel (v) : force

  30. Compendium (n) : a summary

  31. Compensate (v) : make up for, make good for the loss

  32. Compensation (n) : amends

  33. Compete (v) enter into contest

  34. Competent (adj.) : suitable, fit, having the required qualification

  35. Competent (opp.) : incompetent

  36. Competition (n) : rivalry

  37. Competitor (n) : rival

  38. Compile (v) : select and put together, collect

  39. Complacent (adj.) : contented, unruffled

  40. Complain (v) : express grief, pain or dissatisfaction, accuse

  41. Complainant (n) : petitioner

  42. Complaint (n) : an accusation, illness

English Vocabulary Games for 23rd February :

English Vocabulary Index

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