English Vocabulary Download
for 21st February

English Vocabulary Index

English Vocabulary Download for 21st February :

  1. Cocktail (n) : a party in military camps where usually drinks are served

  2. Cocoa (n) : the seed of the chocolate tree, a drink prepared there from

  3. Coconut (n) : the fruit of the coconut palm

  4. Cod (n) : a kind of fish

  5. Code (n) : a collection of laws, cipher, a system of signals

  6. Code (v) : convert into a code

  7. Codify (v) : edit, arrange systematically

  8. Coeducation (n) : education imparted for both sexes together

  9. Coerce (v) : compel

  10. Coerción (n) : force, compulsion

  11. Coffee (n) : a drink ; plant Fielding berries that are used in preparing the drink

  12. Coffer (n) : a chest for holding, money

  13. Coffin (n) : a chest in which a dead body is enclosed

  14. Cogent (adj.) : convincing

  15. Cognate (adj.) : of the same kind related

  16. Cognizable (adj.) : that can be taken note of and action taken

  17. Cognizance (n) : notice, knowledge

  18. Coherent (adj.) : consistent, logical

  19. Cohesion (n) : sticking together

  20. Coil (n) : a rope which has been wound or gathered in rings

  21. Coil (v) : wind into a loop

  22. Coin (n) : a piece of metal legally stamped and current as money

  23. Coin (v) : invent, make into money

  24. Coincide (v) : correspond exactly, happen at the same time

  25. Coir (n) : coconut fibre, a robe

  26. Coke (n) : a fuel from burnt coal

  27. Cold (adj.) : not hot, indifferent

  28. Collaborate (v) : work in unity with

  29. Collaboration (n) : help, assistance

  30. Collapse (v) : break down, fall to pieces

  31. Collapse (n) : breakdown

  32. Collar (n) : neck band

  33. Colleague (n) : a co-worker, fellow officer

  34. Collect (v) : bring together, gather

  35. Collection (n) : amount or thing gathered together

  36. Collector (n) : the head of a district , one who collects

  37. College (n) : an educational institution for higher literary or Scientific Studies

  38. College (n) : the building of an educational institution

  39. Collide (v) : dash, against each other

  40. Collier (n) : one who works in a coal-mine

  41. Colliery (n) : a coal-mine

  42. Collision (n) : violent impact, clash

  43. Colloquy (n) : a conversation

  44. Collude (v) : work together secretly

English Vocabulary Download for 21st February :

English Vocabulary Index

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