English Vocabulary

English Vocabulary Index

English Vocabulary for 18th November :

  1. Tense (adj.) : stretched tight, strained

  2. Tension (n) : act of stretching, uneasiness, mental stress

  3. Tent (n) : a portable shelter, roll of spongy material used to clean or plug a wound

  4. Tentacles (n & pl) : the thread like, feelers of an insect

  5. Tentative (adj.) : provisional, experimental

  6. Tenuous (adj.) : thin, delicate, flimsy, having light density

  7. Tenure (n) : conditions of holding right of holding property of office

  8. Tepid (adj.) : slightly warm

  9. Tercentenary (adj.) : pertaining to a period of 300 years or to a 300th anniversary

  10. Term (n) : a set period of time, a word or expression

  11. Termagant (n) : a turbulent woman

  12. Terminal (adj.) : occurring in every term, pertaining to the end

  13. Terminal (n) : end

  14. Terminate (v) : to limit, bring to an end

  15. Terminate (n) : termination

  16. Terra (n) : earth

  17. Terrace (n) : level piece of ground on a slope, an elevated flat place escape, at the top of a slope

  18. Terrible (adj.) : dreadful, causing great fear or sorrow

  19. Terrier (n) : a kind of hunting dog

  20. Terrific (adj.) : terrible, causing fear

  21. Territory (n): domain, state, area of land belonging to a ruler

  22. Terror (n) : great fear

  23. Terrorist (n) : a ruler who rules by intimidation, violent, ruler

  24. Terrorize (v) : intimidate, terse

  25. Terrorize (adj.) : brief and to the point (of speech or style), forcible

  26. Test (n) : examination, trial, proof

  27. Test (v) : forcible

  28. Testament (n) : one of the two divisions of the Bible, a will

  29. Testator (n) ; a person who creates a will

  30. Testify (v) : declare, bear witness give evidence

  31. Testimonial (n) : certificates for one’s qualifications and character

  32. Testimony (n) : proof, evidence

  33. Testy (adj.) : peevish, irritable

  34. Tether (n) : a rope to confine an animal

  35. Tether (v) : confine with a rope

  36. Text (n) : main body of a book, sentence, scripture

  37. Textbook (n) : a book prescribed for study

  38. Textile (adj.) : a woven fabric

  39. Textile (adj.) : weaving

  40. Texture (n) : arrangement of treads in a fabric

  41. Than (conj.) : compared with

  42. Thank (v) : express gratitude

  43. Thankless (adj.) : ungrateful

English Vocabulary for 18th November :

English Vocabulary Index