ESL Vocabulary

English Vocabulary Index

ESL Vocabulary for 29th September :

  1. Scenery (n) : a landscape, painted screen used on the state

  2. Scent (v) : find out by smell, begin to suspect presence or existence

  3. Sceptic (n) : a doubter, a disbeliever

  4. Sceptre (n) : a rod carried by a ruler

  5. Sceptre (n) : a rod carried by a ruler

  6. Schedule (n) : a list, time-table

  7. Scheme (n) : a plant, plot or secret plan

  8. Scheme (v) : plan, plot

  9. Schism (n) : separation of an organization of deep study and learning

  10. Scholar (n) : a pupil at school, a person of deep study and learning

  11. School (n) : institution for education

  12. School (v) : educate, instruct, discipline

  13. Schooling (n) : education, instruction

  14. Schooner (n) : a twin-mastered sailing ship

  15. Sciatica (n) : a disease in or about the hip joint

  16. Science (n) : systematic and formulated knowledge

  17. Scientific (adj.) : connected with science, accurate and systematic

  18. Scientist (n) : a person well versed in science or devoted to science

  19. Scimitar (n) : short curved single edged sword

  20. Scion (n) : an offshoot, a descendant

  21. Scissors (n) : a cutting instrument with two blades

  22. Scoff (v) : ridicule, to mock

  23. Scold (v) : blame with angry words rebuke

  24. Scolding (n) : a strong rebuke, chiding

  25. Sconce (n) : candlestick, a fort, skull

  26. Scone (n) : a kind of cake

  27. Scope (n) : purpose, opportunity

  28. Scorch (v) : burn at the surface

  29. Scorch (n) : a burnt place or mark

  30. Score (n) : points, goals, runs, etc, gained in a game, twenty, reason

  31. Score (v) : mark with line, make points

  32. Scorn (n) : contempt

  33. Scorn (adj.) : scornful

  34. Scorn (v) : despise

  35. Scorpio (n) : the eighth sign of the zodiac

  36. Scot (n) : native of Scotland

  37. Scotch (v) : to wound slightly

  38. Scot free (adj.) : unpunished

  39. Scoundrel (n) : villain, rascal, a wicked person

  40. Scour (v) : cleanse or brighten by friction, search rapidly

  41. Scourge (n) : whip, a dreadful disease

  42. Scourge (v) : strike with a whip

  43. Scout (n) : one sent out to spy the enemy or surroundings, a boy scout

  44. Scout (v) : to act as a scout, reject with scorn

  45. Scow (n) : kind of flat bottomed boat

  46. Scowl (n) : an angry look

  47. Scowl (v) : look angrily

ESL Vocabulary for 29th September :

English Vocabulary Index

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