AR – ER – OR
This KEY is the Suffix which has three spellings, AR – ER – OR Meaning ONE WHO & THAT WHICH. This is one of the simplest keys to remember and you will see a great deal of it. It is listed so that you will become accustomed to seeking words, not as one lump to be swallowed whole, but as a combination of keys which are to be recognized separately.
1. doctor- doct OR (dok’ tor) n
One who is learned, especially in medicine.
2. baker- bak ER (bake’ er) n
One who bakes.
3. actor- act OR (ak’ tor) n
One who acts a part in a play or in an event.
4. fighter- fight ER (fite’ er) n
One who fights.
5. beggar- begg AR (beg’ ar) n
One who begs.
6. dancer- danc ER (dan’ ser) n
One who dances.
7. jester- jest ER (jes’ ter) n
One who tells jokes.
8. killer- kill ER (kil’ er) n
One who kills.
9. liar- li AR (lie’ er) n
One who tells lies.
10. miser- mis ER (mize’ er) n
One who lives miserably in order to hoard money.
11. toiler- toil ER (roil’ er) n
One who works hard.
12. tractor- tract OR (trak’ ter) n
A machine used on the farm for drawing a plow.
13. barber- barb ER (bar’ ber) n
One whose work is to give shaves and haircuts.
14. wrecker- wreck ER (rek’ er) n
Machinery used to break down buildings and remove the wreckage.
15. painter- paint ER (pane’ ter) n
One who paints.
16. sufferer- suffer ET (sub’ ere r) n
One who suffers, especially from a disease.
17. exhibitor- exhibit OR (eg zib’ it or) n
One who shows things to the public, as art.
18. racer- rac ER (rase’ er) n
One who races in a sport event.
19. amplifier- ampilifi ER (am’ pil fie er) n
That which magnifies a sound, a loud speaker.
20. pacifier- pacifi ER (pas’ i fie er) n
That which quiets, like a ring for babies to such or bite on.
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