Business Dictionary : Draft
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Draft : noun : order for money to be paid by a bank
Banker’s draft
To make a draft on a bank = to ask a bank to pay money for you
Sight Draft = bill of exchange which is payable when it is presented
Draft : noun : first rough plan for document which has not been finished
Draft of Contract
Draft Contract
He drew up the draft agreement on the back of envelope.
The first draft of the contract was corrected by the managing director.
The finance department has passed the final draft of the accounts.
Rough Draft = plan of a document which may have changes made to it before it is complete
Draft : verb : to make a first rough plan of a document
To draft a letter
To draft a contract
The contract is still being drafted.
The contract is still in the drafting stage.
Drafter : noun : person who makes a draft
The drafter of the agreement
Drafting : noun : act of preparing the draft of a document
The drafting of the contract took six weeks.
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