Business Dictionary : Dollar
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Dollar : noun : money used in the USA and other countries
The US dollar rose by 2%.
Fifty Canadian dollars…
It costs six Australian dollars.
Five dollar bill = banknote for five dollars…
Dollar : noun : the currency used in the USA
Dollar Area = area of the world where the dollar is the main trading currency
Dollar Balances = a country's trade balances expressed in US dollars
Dollar Crisis = fall in the exchange rate for the US dollar
Dollar Shortage = situation where the supply of dollars is not enough to satisfy the demand for them from overseas buyers
Dollar Gap = situation where the supply of dollars is not enough to satisfy the demand for them from overseas buyers
Dollar Stocks = shares in US companies
NOTE : Usually written $ before a figure $250
NOTE : The currencies used in different countries can be shown by the initial letter of the country C$ (Canadian dollar) A$ (Australian dollar), etc
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