Distinctive Sounds of Animals and Birds

The Names of the Distinctive Sounds produced by various animals and birds are listed here for your reference.

1. Apes…gibber

2. Asses….bray

3. Bears…growl

4. Bees…buzz

5. Beetles…drone

6. Bitterns…boom

7. Bulls…below

8. Cats…mew, purr

9. Cows…moo

10. Crickets…chirp

11. Crows…caw

12. Deer…belt

13. Dogs…howl, grow, snarl and bark

14. Doves…coo

15. Ducks…quack

16. Eagles…scream

17. Elephants…trumpet

18. Frogs…croak

19. Geese…cackle

20. Grasshoppers…chirr

21. Hens…cluck, cackle and chuckle

22. Horses…neigh, whinny

23. Hounds…bay

24. Hyenas…laugh, scream

25. Lions…roar

26. Mice…squeak

27. Monkeys…chatter

28. Owls…hoot, screech, cur

29. Oxen…low

30. Parrots…chatter

31. Pigs…grunt, squeal

32. Rabbits…squeal

33. Ravens…croak

34. Robins…chirp

35. Rooks…caw

36. Seagulls….scream

37. Serpents…hiss

38. Sheep…bleat

39. Snakes…hiss

40. Sparrows…chirp

41. Swallows…twitter

42. Turkeys…gobble

43. Wolves…howl

44. Wrens…warble

The another set of the Names of the Distinctive Sounds produced by various natural elements are listed here for your reference.

1. Babbling of the brooks

2. Buzzing of telephone

3. Chiming of bells

4. Clangor of hammers

5. Clanking of chains

6. Clatter of horse’s hoofs

7. Crack of a whip

8. Crackling of fire

9. Crackling of wood

10. Crackling of dry leaves

11. Creaking of hinges

12. Crinkling of paper

13. Gurgling of the rivers

14. Hissing of steam

15. Hooting of a steam whistle

16. Howling of the wind

17. Jingling of bells

18. Lapping of water

19. Pattering of the rain

20. Popping of corks

21. Roaring of thunder

22. Rolling of thunder

23. Rumbling of thunder

24. Rumbling of heavy vehicles

25. Rustle of silk or leaves

26. Screeching of brakes

27. Shuffling of feet

28. Splashing of water

29. Swashing of the sea

30. Swishing of ladies’ skirts

31. Ticking of a clock

32. Tinkling of bells

33. Tinkling of coins

34. Tinkling of glasses

35. Tooting of a horn

36. Whirring of wings

37. Whizzing of arrows

38. Zooming of aero planes

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