Distinctive Adjectives
The Complete list of Distinctive Adjectives connected with certain words is here for your reference.
For example, the Adjective aquatic is related to Water.
The adjective sartorial is related to the word Tailor.
1. Air…pneumatic
2. Alps…Alpine
3. Asses…asinine
4. Author…auctorial
5. Autumn…autumnal
6. Barber…tonsorial
7. Bees…apiarian
8. Belly…alvine
9. Bernard Shaw…Shavian
10. Brain…cerebral
11. Brother…fraternal
12. Cambridge University… Cantabrigian
13. Canterbury…cantuarian
14. Cats…feline
15. Cattle…bovine
16. City…urban
17. Coins…numismatic
18. Color…chromatic
19. Country…rural
20. Country…rustic
21. Crow…corvine
22. Dancing…terpsichorean
23. Daughter…filial
24. Day…diurnal
25. Dogs…canine
26. Duke…ducal
27. Eagle…aquiline
28. Earth…terrestrial
29. Evening…vesper
30. Father…paternal
31. Fats…adipose
32. Fats…sebaceous
33. First age…primeval
34. Fish…piscine
35. Fishing…piscatorial
36. Floods…diluvial
37. Fox…vulpine
38. Goats…caprine
39. Goose...anserine
40. Gums…gingival
41. Hair…crinal
42. Hares…leporine
43. Hearing…auditory
44. Hearing…aural
45. Heart…cardiac
46. Heaven…celestial
47. Horses…calla vine
48. Horses…equestrian
49. Horses…equine
50. Infant…infantile
51. Iron…ferrous
52. Island…insular
53. Kitchen…culinary
54. Lamp…lucermal
55. Land…praedial
56. Law court…forensic
57. Leaves…foliar
58. Lion…leonine
59. Lips…labial
60. Love…erotic
61. Lungs…pulmonary
62. Marriage…connubial
63. Marriage…nuptial
64. Matrimony…conjugal
65. Milk…lacteal
66. Money…fiscal
67. Money…monetary
68. Money…pecuniary
69. Moon…lunar
70. Morning…matinal
71. Mother…maternal
72. Night…nocturnal
73. Nose…nasal
74. Old age…senile
75. Oxford University…Oxonian
76. Parish…parochial
77. Parrots…psittaceous
78. Peacock…pavonine
79. Pigeons…peristeronic
80. Preaching…predicatory
81. Priesthood…hieratic
82. Priests…sacerdotal
83. Rain…pluvial
84. River…fluvial
85. Rope…funicular
86. Sailors…nautical
87. Sea…marine
88. Sea…maritime
89. Seeing…optical
90. Seeing…visual
91. Servant…menial
92. Sheep…ovine
93. Shepherds...pastoral
94. Shepherds…bucolic
95. Ships…nautical
96. Ships…naval
97. Silk....sericate
98. Sister…sororal
99. Smelling…olfactory
100. Son …filial
101. Sound…acoustic
102. Spring…vernal
103. Stars…stellar
104. Sun…solar
105. Swine, pigs…porcine
106. Tailor…sartorial
107. Tears…lachrymal
108. The Apostle Paul… Pauline
109. The Apostle Peter…Petrine
110. Throat…guttural
111. Tin…stannic
112. Tongue…glossal
113. Town or city…urban
114. Uncle…avuncular
115. Water…aquatic
116. Weaving…textile
117. Wife…uxorial
118. Wild beasts…ferine
119. Winter…brumal
120. Wolf…lupine
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