Business Dictionary : Discount
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Discount : noun : percentage by which a full price is reduced to a buyer by the seller
To give a discount on bulk purchases
To sell goods at a discount
At a discount price = to sell goods below the normal price
Basic Discount = normal discount without extra percentages
We give 25% as a basic discount, but can add 5% for cash payment.
Quantity Discount = discount given to people who buy large quantities
10% discount for quantity purchases = you pay 10% less if you buy a large quantity.
10% discount for cash or 10% cash discount = you pay 10% less if you pay in cash.
Trade Discount = discount given to a customer in the same trade
Discount House = financial company which specializes in discounting bills
Discount House = shop which specializes in selling cheap goods bought at a high discount
Discount Rate = percentage taken when a bank buys bills
Discount Store = shop which specializes in cheap goods bought at a high discount
Discount : noun : shares which stand at a discount = shares which are lower in price than their face value
Discount : verb : to reduce prices to increase sales
To discount bills of exchange = to buy bills of exchange for less than the value written on them in order to cash them later
Shares are discounting a rise in the dollar = shares have risen in advance of a rise in the dollar price
Discounted Cash Flow = calculating the forecast return on capital investment in current terms with reductions for current interest rates
Discounted Value = difference between the filled value of a share and its lower market price
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