Business Dictionary : Direct
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Direct : verb : to manage or to organize
He directs our South East Asian operations.
She was directing the development unit until last year.
Direct : adjective : straight or with no interference
Direct Action = strike or go-slow, etc.
Direct Cost = production cost of a product
Direct Debit = system where a customer allows a company to charge costs to his bank account automatically and where the amount charged can be increased or decreased with the agreement of the customer
I pay my electricity bill by direct debit.
Direct Mail = selling a product by sending publicity material to possible buyers through the post
These calculators are only sold by direct mail.
The company runs a successful direct-mail operation.
Direct-Mail Advertising = advertising by sending leaflets to people through the post
Direct Selling = selling a product direct to the customer without going through a shop
Direct Taxation = tax such as income tax which is paid direct to the government
The government raises more money by direct taxation than by indirect.
Direct : adverb : straight or with no third party involved
We pay income tax direct to the government.
To Dial Direct = to contact a phone number yourself without asking the operator to do it for you
You can dial New York direct from London if you want.
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