Difficult English Words for 12th March

English Vocabulary Index

Difficult English Words for 12th March :

  1. Defiant (adj.) : bold, resisting, disobedient

  2. Deficiency (n) : insufficiency, a shortage

  3. Deficient (adj.) : wanting, imperfect

  4. Deficit (n) : deficiency

  5. Defile (v) : contaminate, march in files

  6. Define (v) : to set out the limits to fix the meaning of

  7. Definite (adj.) : exact, sure

  8. Definitely (adj.) : exactly, surely

  9. Definition (n): explanation of the exact meaning, exposition

  10. Deflate (v) : reduce inflation, release air from

  11. Deflect (v) : to turn to a side, distract, bend

  12. Deflection (n) : deviation

  13. Deforest (v) : clear off the forest

  14. Disforest (v) : clear off the forest

  15. Deform (v) : make ugly

  16. Deformity (n) : unnatural form of the body

  17. Defraud (v) : cheat

  18. Defray (v) : discharge, pay for, settle

  19. Deft (adj.) : handy, skilled

  20. Defunct (adj.) : no longer in existence, dead

  21. Defy (v) : challenge, dare, act against

  22. Degenerate (v) : fall off in quality

  23. Degenerate (n) : falling off in quality

  24. Deglutition (n) : the power of swallowing

  25. Degradation (n) : disgrace

  26. Degrade (v) : reduce in grade or rank, to disgrace

  27. Degrading (adj.) : bringing discredit

  28. Degree (n) : a grade or rank

  29. Deify (v) : make a God of, worship as a God

  30. Design (v) : condescend

  31. Deity (n) : God

  32. Dejected (adj.) : depressed, sad

  33. Dejection (n) : sorrow, depression

  34. Delay (v) : to be late

  35. Delay (n) : act of being late

  36. Delectable (adj.) : delightful, pleasant

  37. Delegate (n) : a representative

  38. Delegate (v) : send as a representative, depute the responsibility

  39. Delegation (n) : representative body, act of delegating

  40. Delete (v) : strike out, rub out

  41. Deleterious (adj.) : destructive, poisonous

  42. Deliberate (v) : consult, ponder

  43. Deliberate (adj.) : careful, leisurely

  44. Delicacies (n) : choice and pleasing food

  45. Delicacy (n) : difficult position, softness

  46. Delicate (adj.): not coarse, fine

  47. Delicious (adj.) : very useful, highly pleasing

Difficult English Words for 12th March :

English Vocabulary Index

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