Dictation Words

Dictation Words :

  1. Tablet
  2. Tailor
  3. Takeaway
  4. Talent
  5. Tease
  6. Technique
  7. Technology
  8. Teenager
  9. Telegram
  10. Telegraph
  11. Telepathy
  12. Telescope
  13. Television
  14. Temperament
  15. Temperature
  16. Temporary
  17. Temptation
  18. Tendency
  19. Tennis
  20. Tension
  21. Tenure
  22. Terminal
  23. Terrace
  24. Terrible
  25. Terrific
  26. Terror
  27. Texture
  28. Theater
  29. Theme
  30. Thorough
  31. Though
  32. Thought
  33. Thoughtful
  34. Thoughtless
  35. Thousand
  36. Threat
  37. Threaten
  38. Thrive
  39. Throat
  40. Throne
  41. Through
  42. Throughout
  43. Throw
  44. Thumb
  45. Thunder
  46. Tight
  47. Timber
  48. Timetable
  49. Tinted
  50. Tiresome
  51. Tissue
  52. Title
  53. Toaster
  54. Tobacco
  55. Together
  56. Tolerence
  57. Tomorrow
  58. Tongue
  59. Tonight
  60. Tooth
  61. Torch
  62. Tornado
  63. Tortoise
  64. Torture
  65. Touch
  66. Tough
  67. Tourism
  68. Tournament
  69. Towards
  70. Towel
  71. Tower
  72. Town
  73. Township
  74. Trace
  75. Track
  76. Tractor
  77. Trade
  78. Tradesman
  79. Tradition
  80. Traffic
  81. Tragedy
  82. Trail
  83. Trailer
  84. Training
  85. Tranquil
  86. Transfer
  87. Transform
  88. Transistor
  89. Transit
  90. Translation
  91. Transmit
  92. Transport
  93. Trash
  94. Trauma
  95. Travel
  96. Trawl
  97. Tray
  98. Tread
  99. Treadmill
  100. Treasure
  101. Treat
  102. Treatment
  103. Treaty
  104. Tremble
  105. Tremendous
  106. Trend
  107. Trespass
  108. Trail
  109. Triangle
  110. Tribe
  111. Tribute
  112. Trick
  113. Tricky
  114. Trigger
  115. Trim
  116. Trip
  117. Tripartite
  118. Triumph
  119. Trolley
  120. Troop
  121. Trophy
  122. Trot
  123. Trouble
  124. Trough
  125. Trounce
  126. Trousers
  127. Trumpet
  128. Trunk
  129. Trust
  130. Trustworthy
  131. Truth
  132. Tution
  133. Tunnel
  134. Turkey
  135. Turmoil
  136. Turnaround
  137. Twilight
  138. Twinkle
  139. Twist
  140. Typhoon
  141. Tyranny

Dictation Words

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