Business Dictionary : Deposit
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Deposit : noun : money placed in a bank for safe keeping or to earn interest
Certificate of Deposit = certificate from a bank to show that money has been deposited
Bank Deposits = all the money placed in banks
• Bank deposits are at an all-time high.
Fixed Deposit = deposit which pays a fixed interest over a fixed period
Deposit Account = bank account which pays interest but on which notice has to be given to withdraw money
Deposit At 7 Days' Notice = money deposited which you can withdraw by giving seven days' notice
Deposit Slip = piece of paper stamped by the cashier to prove that you have paid money into your account
Safe Deposit = bank safe where you can leave jeweler or documents
Safe Deposit Box = small box which you can rent in which you can keep jeweler or documents in a bank's safe
Deposit : noun : money given in advance so that the thing which you want to buy will not be sold to someone else
• To pay a deposit on a watch…
• To leave £10 as deposit...
Deposit : verb : to put documents somewhere for safe keeping
• To deposit shares with a bank
• We have deposited the deeds of the house with the bank.
• He deposited his will with his solicitor.
Deposit : verb : to put money into a bank account
• To deposit £100 in a current account…
Depositary : noun : (US) person or company with whom money or documents can be deposited
Depositor : noun : person who deposits money in a bank
Depository : noun : Furniture Depository = warehouse where you can store household furniture
Depository : noun : person or company with whom money or documents can be deposited
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