Business Dictionary : Declaration
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Declaration : noun : official statement
Declaration of Bankruptcy = official state¬ment that someone is bankrupt
Declaration of Income = statement declaring income to the tax office
Customs Declaration = statement declaring goods brought into a country on which customs duty should be paid
VAT Declaration = statement declaring VAT income to the VAT office
Declare : verb : to make an official statement or to announce to the public
• To declare someone bankrupt
• To declare a dividend of 10%
• To declare goods to the customs = to state that you are importing goods which are liable to duty
• The customs officials asked him if he had anything to declare.
• To declare an interest = to state in public that you own shares in a company being investigated or that you are related to someone who can benefit from your contacts, etc…
Declared : adjective : which has been made public or officially said
Declared Value = value of goods entered on a customs declaration
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