Many university libraries now have integrated search systems that make use of the World Wide Web. And many, perhaps most, college students can access many additional databases, indexes and archives right from their own personal computers. Some of that access may be through their library's own Web site, but much of it is directly through the student's own Internet service provider.
In addition to the many search engines, databases and indexes al¬ready listed and discussed in other chapters, there are also many other kinds of sites that archive various kinds of documents, such as the government documents in the Archives Library Information Center ( The following list is only a sampling selected to show you some idea of the range of sources available:
Alex Catalogue of Electronic Texts ( alexl) : Specializes in English and American literature
Electronic Text Center ( : An enormous collection of documents at the University of Virginia
Internet Public Library ( : You can look up your field of study or your topic in this comprehensive online library
Liszt ( : A huge directory of electronic discussion lists
Project Bartleby ( : Another huge collection : this one at Columbia University.
Project Gutenberg ( : A huge electronic library
Refdesk ( : This is not only an excellent collection of links to online reference tools, it also contains great lists of other kinds of resources accessed by the name of each individual field. So if you're looking, for example, for other Web-based materials on computer science, you can click on Refdesk's computer science link and find many more resources.
Tile.Net ( : Allows for searching discussion lists by topic
Voice of the Shuttle ( : A subject-based guide to text archives
Webliographies : A webliography is a bibliography of Web sites. Over 7,000 of these exist already. You can find out if there's one for your field of study or your topic by typing your field's name or one or another of your subject terms into a good search engine's text box accompanied by the word webliography.
To continue the section on
Make a Research Outline...,
Moving From Keywords to A Subject Search
Reference Tools
Subject Trees
The Library Catalog
Search Engines
Indexes and Databases
7. Databases and Archives