List of Tutors
Tutor's First Name : Daphne
Last Name : Pawluczuk
E-mail Address :
[email protected]
Street Address : 102 Oxford Cres # 204
City : Sherbrooke
State/Prov : Quebec
Zip/Postal Code : J1M 2G2
Country : Canada
Home Phone : 819-446-7621
Business Phone :
Fax :
Skype ID : daphne.d.fisher
Fees per Hour USD $ : 20
Other Message, if any. :
I am interested in becoming an ESL tutor. I am in my final year of a university honours degree at Bishop's University in Quebec, Canada, and will be continuing next year to do my master's level in Gloalization and Food Studies. I am a native English speaker and am fluent in both English and French.
I have tutoting and teaching experience and have very clear, proper English.
Please contact me either by phone or email for further details of my credentials or for an online or phone interview.
Thank you,
Daphne Pawluczuk